by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Dec 17, 2015 | Education For Professionals, Health Blogs, Research
In a new study in Nature, the scientific communities’ top journal, data was released showing that up to 90% of cancers could be related to lifestyle. Previously it was thought that the majority of cancer cases are part of the “bad luck hypothesis”...
by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Dec 3, 2015 | Education For Professionals, Health Blogs, Research
A significant reduction in fat mass Increases in lean body mass Improvements in fasting blood glucose Improvements in insulin sensitivity Reductions in total cholesterol and triglyceride levels These are just a sample of the clinically significant...
by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Sep 6, 2015 | Education For Professionals
We pride ourselves at Carolina HealthSpan Institute on providing the best education to our patients about the latest anti-aging techniques, preventive and functional medicine and general education about their health and wellness. Over the years, Dr. Brown has also...