There is more health consciousness in our culture today than we have seen in much of history. Because of advances in science, medicine and communication, we all have access to a massive amount of information hopefully pointing us towards a longer, healthier life. Implementation may be a different case, but at least most of us now understand the importance of exercise, generally know what to eat and what not to eat and what actions are bad for our health. Oddly enough though, the system most important to our overall health and longevity is also the system least measured and protected. Our brain is in control of every thought, emotion and action our bodies’ produce, and its’ lasting function is at the center of healthy aging.
As we age, cognitive decline can affect higher brain functions including learning, memory, concentration, problem solving and decision-making. Further decline can impact motor skills and eventually result in a loss of independence. Cognitive decline can start to affect your family life, business, daily routines and eventually your emotions. Whether a slow or fast progression, “losing our minds” is just about as scary as it gets.
Because brain health is at the core of healthy aging, we have spent many years researching and testing the best technology and applications for both brain function assessment and treatment. We’re proud to say that we are expanding our practice to include the diagnostic study, brain mapping and treatment of brain function and health. We believe now, as we did over 10 years ago with Hormone Replacement Therapy, that this is the next progression in achieving maximum health, vitality and longevity. Contact us today to find out how to make long-lasting improvements in focus, memory, attention, mood, stress level, behavior and more. Regardless of experiencing symptoms commonly related to cognitive decline or other neurological disorders, it’s never too early to understand the health of the most important system in your body, and maximize its’ potential.
Update: 7/2018 – We recently launched the reconnect program. The ReConnect Program is based off the framework and fundamentals of The Bredesen Protocol® with variations based upon our clinical experience of improving the brain function of over 10,000 individuals. To learn more visit our cognitive decline page.