by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Jul 8, 2016 | Health Blogs
We all want lots of things. A new car, a great marriage, our kids to be successful, our grass to not die in the 100-degree heat… but what is really at the core of all of these wants? Happiness. A new car will make us happy. Our kids’ success will make us happy. Our...
by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Jul 8, 2016 | Health Blogs
We are not made to rely on drugs to fix our problems and should always look for natural remedies first. Antidepressants either promote serotonin in the body or both serotonin and dopamine (feel good hormones). They sometimes cause an imbalance and side effects such as...
by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Jul 4, 2016 | Health Blogs
There is more health consciousness in our culture today than we have seen in much of history. Because of advances in science, medicine and communication, we all have access to a massive amount of information hopefully pointing us towards a longer, healthier life....
by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Jul 1, 2016 | Health Blogs
Add These Foods to Your Diet to Power Up Your Brain Did you know your diet can have a strong impact on your brain and its ability to function? You can enjoy greater brainpower with simple diet changes. The right foods are important for both the mind and the body; your...