When one becomes deficient in any hormone, it is optimal to replace it. Generally women will become deficient in progesterone and/or testosterone in their late 30′s to early 40′s. A lack of estrogen usually doesn’t occur until shortly before or at the menopause (average age of 51). Therefore, most women start first with replacing progesterone and/or testosterone and do not start using estrogen until they enter menopause. Replacing all three hormones after the menopause is usually necessary for optimal hormone balance. Replacing each hormone has a different effect on the body and brain. In this article, we’ll look at the effects of Testosterone Replacement for Women.

Your Brain: Numerous studies have shown that Testosterone Therapy can relieve symptoms of depression. In many cases, patients also report an increase in cognitive clarity, and an enhanced feeling of well-being

Your Muscles & Bones: Multiple studies have linked low Testosterone levels to weak muscles and muscle loss, and low Testosterone is one of the primary causes of Osteoporosis. Safe Testosterone Therapy can keep your muscles and bones healthy.

Sex Drive: Testosterone plays an important role in regulating libido function and sexual health. Many patients experience enhanced libido when their Testosterone levels are optimized.

Weight Gain: Many patients experience reduced body fat once their Testosterone levels are balanced. With the right combination of diet, exercise, reduced stress and optimal hormone levels, you may be able to get to and maintain the weight you desire more easily!

Disease Protection: Low Testosterone levels substantially increase the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke and heart disease. Maintaining a healthy hormone balance is key to your future health.

Quality of Life: Optimizing your Testosterone level can increase your energy and vitality, in many cases allowing patients to enjoy their days at home, hours at work and even weeks on vacation more!

Interested in learning more? Contact our office today. Look forward to next week’s article about Estrogen and Progesterone Replacement Therapy!