The big day is finally here……  I woke up this morning and realized that I am 70 years of age.  Wow!  It seems like only yesterday that I was 39 and leaving my home in Alabama for a life changing adventure.  I had given up my corporate position and was moving to Sunny Southern California leaving family and friends behind to meet new challenges and experience life as I’d never known it.  What was I thinking!!  Oh yeah, I remember now; every workday I thought, “this can’t be all there is to living”.  I had never gone anywhere or done anything remotely exciting.  I figured I had “One Wild Oat” and, by George, I was going to sow it.  That one action opened the world to me in a way that I had never thought possible.  I met my future husband, traveled the world, lived with passion and experienced great adventures.  Why would I think all that should stop with aging?   Maybe it has to do with today’s culture where aging is often viewed as more of a problem than an accomplishment.  We live in a world that seems to worship the fantasies of youth yet we are being driven more and more by the realities of aging.

How about those birthday cards you get when you turn 50?……

“Happy 50th – Don’t worry, you’ve still got it.  So what if you can’t remember where it is!”


“Welcome to the Over the Hill Gang”

Or, my favorite:

“Think of it this way; you’re not losing it – you’re just not using it as often”.

That might have been somewhat funny at 50, but less so when you’re turning 70 and people act as if you’re just waiting to check out because you’re not productive any more.   I reject this view of aging as a process of deterioration, dependency, or reduced potential.

In Jan. of this year, I made a quality decision that I was going to be the “Best Me” that I could be at Seventy.  This decision was reinforced when I read an excellent book written by Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO of AARP entitled Disrupt Aging.  Although I don’t agree with every concept, I certainly endorse the majority of what she has to say.  She describes this as a “Bold New Path to Living Your Best Life at Every Age”.  Jo Ann encourages all of us to become Healthcare Consumers defining the difference between a consumer and a patient:  “The word consumer is an active term; a person who is doing something – using or buying – for their own purposes.  The word patient is a more passive term.  Patients take whatever comes; they endure or tolerate.  Consumers don’t want to simply receive health care; they want to be equal players.  They want a partnership with their physicians.  Consumers want to have a voice in their treatment.  They demand quality and they are looking for value for their healthcare dollars”.  I couldn’t have said it better myself.  So, I have become a Healthcare Consumer (everyone should be)  empowered by current information, technology and a strong sense of individual responsibility.  I get all these benefits and more from my Wellness Partnership with Carolina HealthSpan Institute.  I trust my team to provide the most advanced, scientifically validated treatment available.  As I celebrate my 70th birthday month (yes, I celebrate all month long), I reflect on the results of my Wellness Program:

My hormones are perfectly balanced.  What is the benefit to me?  I am not depressed, I have loads of energy and a general sense of well-being with no mood swings.  The difference in having my hormones bio-identically balanced is like the difference between night and day.

– I have a fitness program designed especially for me.  One size does not fit all here folks.  I have been able to strengthen my core so that I no longer fear loosing my balance; climbing stairs is not  a challenge.  I can walk long distances without a rest stop and I have lost 8 total body inches and dropped one dress size!

– I have changed my eating habits for optimum nutrition.  I am more aware of what I choose to eat and how it affects my body eliminating certain foods from my diet altogether.

– I have perfect Brain Function.  This is a big one.  The Functional Brain Imaging and Brain Performance Testing has eliminated my fear of falling victim to cognitive decline and becoming a burden on my family.

– I’ve finally learned how to Breathe.  It’s about time!  Thanks to Biofeedback, I’ve learned to breathe from my diaphragm.  Not only does it oxygenate my brain, but it also allows me to handle stress more efficiently and recover from stressful situations quickly.  Learning to meditate with purpose has enriched my life.

– I know for certain that I’m taking the right supplements.  This has saved me a lot of money and cleared up the general confusion caused by the billion-dollar marketing industry,

Lastly and most importantly, I have a healthcare team who understands me and supports me in my efforts to “Embrace Vibrant Longevity”.  I couldn’t have done this without Seth, Margaret, Britney, Thomas, Kelly, Kevin, Dr. Russo, and my personal physician/partner Dr.  Ronald Brown.  I have re-imagined my life and I’m excited about being the “Best Me that I can be at Seventy”..  I wake up every morning with gratitude for each person in my life and I look for opportunities to make someone else feel good about themselves today.  A simple compliment or word of encouragement does wonders.  I don’t know what the next 20 years has in store, but I’m ready.  “It’s not about aging, It’s about Living; Bring it On!”

Follow Joh’s complete Journey here:

  1. 6 Months to 70
  2. Let’s Talk Hormones
  3. You Want Me To Do ……What?
  4. Step Away From The Hellmann’s
  5. You Should Have Your Head Examined!

Update: 7/2018 – We recently launched the reconnect program. The ReConnect Program is based off the framework and fundamentals of The Bredesen Protocol® with variations based upon our clinical experience of improving the brain function of over 10,000 individuals. To learn more visit our cognitive decline page.