by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Dec 31, 2014 | Health Blogs
For well over a couple of decades, without fail, health has been the number one New Year’s resolution every year. From quitting smoking to exercising more, eating better and getting more rest, health is on everyone’s mind after a hectic holiday season....
by Margaret Conger | Dec 17, 2014 | Health Blogs
It is that time of year when people are getting sick. You may go to your doctor with a sore throat and cough and beg and plead for an antibiotic. Be advised, antibiotics are used in treating bacterial infections, preventing the spread of disease, and minimizing...
by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Dec 12, 2014 | Health Blogs
As we age, one of the scariest thoughts that cross our minds is that some day we might lose the ability to care for ourselves. Placing a burden on our friends and loved ones is not a goal of anyone, but certain circumstances and disease processes dictate the necessity...
by Carolina Healthspan Institute | Dec 2, 2014 | Health Blogs
In a world where our average attention span has dipped below that of a gold fish (9 seconds) and everyday more activities start to pile up on our plates giving us less and less time to be “healthy,” it becomes all the more important to do whatever is the most...