If you know what to look for, the reflection of your face in a mirror can reveal signs of a hormone imbalance.

If you are losing hair at the crown of your head, consider that you might have a thyroid deficiency. Thyroid hormone also affects the thickness of the hair shaft and the abundance of hair. Adequate amounts of the sex hormones, such as the estrogens and testosterone, also contribute to hair luster. Another factor to consider is your diet — your hair might need more minerals and proteins. Insufficient intake of these nutrients in your diet, or the inability to assimilate those nutrients, can also contribute to hair problems. Low stomach acid (especially from acid blocking medications) makes it difficult to absorb minerals and protein.

If you have thinning eyebrows, or you have lost the outer third of your eyebrows, this is called the “Sign of Hertoghe,” named after the endocrinologist who first made this observation. This is also typically a sign of low thyroid function.

If your eyes are constantly dry or watering unexpectedly, it may be due to an inability to build the fatty layer of your tears. Proper production of tears has been shown to be influenced by testosterone, DHEA, progesterone, and the estrogen hormones.

Both hypo- and hyperthyroid states can lead to loss of eyelashes. Sex hormone deficits associated with aging can also contribute to losing eyelashes, and is second only to allergies as a cause of eyelash loss.

Although you may not readily see it in your face, nasal stuffiness is associated with the ebb and flow of hormones. When estrogens peak mid-cycle, you might find that nasal stuffiness also peaks. If you are also plagued with an itching nose and develop a habit of rubbing your nose in an upward fashion, you may develop a horizontal crease across your nose.

Do you notice wrinkles vertical to the lips? These wrinkles may indicate an estrogen deficiency, as well as a testosterone deficiency, both of which accompany menopause. Dry or cracked lips are also frequently associated with menopause. It is certainly true that older women do not have the full luscious lips of their youth, and applying lipstick may just emphasize the cracks in the lip tissue. Some advocate treating menopausal lips with a progesterone cream applied directly to the lips.

And what about one of the most annoying features of menopause, which is the proliferation of chin hairs? You can tweeze, you can shave, you can wax or use a string, you can use lasers and electrolysis, but what is really going on? In general, as women age, the androgen hormones start to predominate, including testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and androstenedione. These hormones are believed to become more active as other hormones, such as the estrogens, progesterone, and cortisol are depleted.

These chin hairs resemble the hairs on our head rather than the soft downy hairs we associate with femininity. The solution should include a careful evaluation of hormone balance. Progesterone deficit likely plays a role. As estrogen levels decline, less of the carrier protein sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is produced, which means that more of the testosterone-like hormones are unbound and therefore more active.

Now let’s look at your face overall. Is your skin pale? Thyroid hormone ensures blood circulation to the skin and, when it is compromised, pallor is evident, rather than a healthy rosiness. Are your cheeks sagging? The androgenic hormones such as DHEA, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and growth hormone may be deficient.

Is your skin dehydrated, as in shriveled and shrunken, or plump? If it is dry, an obvious cause may be that you are not drinking enough water. Additionally, according to Dr. David Brownstein, you may not be using enough natural whole salt. The many minerals available in whole salt allow the body to hold on to the water in the cells. And, there’s a hormone connection: if you are not getting enough salt and water, the adrenal glands suffer and eventually become exhausted. The hormones affected include DHEA, progesterone, cortisol, aldosterone, the estrogens, pregnenolone, and testosterone. Furthermore, adequate thyroid function is dependent upon the adrenals.

Looking at your face in the mirror can provide clues about your hormone health, especially as you age. Your face is a reflection of potential hormone issues that affect your entire body.  Call Carolina HealthSpan Institute Lake Norman at 704-727-5360 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Russo for a hormone evaluation.